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Want to remix the audio? Download the stems here!

And show me what you come up with 🙂

Original Score by James Lee
and music provided by ExtremeMusic.com
“United We Stand” by Billie Ray Fingers, Jacob Shea and Bruce Fingers

VJAY loops provided by Beeple (Mike Winklemann)

Subtitles made by @DinoBoiRex1

Fireworks stock footage by Beachfront B Roll

Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace by John Perry Barlow courtesy of Department of Records & Q Department.

Sound Effects sources from Sounsnap and Zapsplat

CGI rendered with Unreal Engine and assets from the Unreal Marketplace

Now this is the part where I fill my description with some keywords, so you don’t need to read this. Just gonna mentions some juicy keywords like “short film” and “animation”. Maybe animated short film. How about my previous stuff like Tarboy and #NOX. Gotta get in those related videos yeah. Hopefully alongside some other 2D animated Shorts. Some great shorts like Breaking up With Adobe or a Life Without Facebook. And I should probably mention the title of this animate short too, which is Infected by Stupid.

Ok I think that’s enough. Don’t wanna be too spammy. Trending section here I come woo yeah.




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