Here’s what happens when a bunch of kids get together and have a very, very bad, STUPID, idea.
Ridiculous idea.
REALLY ridiculous.

This is my life
– Sal Barbera

Thanks for watching!

Original material ©Sal Barbera | All Rights Reserved

Sal Barbera is an American stand-up comedian. He presently has 0 stand up specials on Netflix, 0 on Comedy Central and 0 on Amazon Prime Video. He wrote 0 New York Times Best Sellers (but he did write, publish and post on Amazon, to sell, 5K copies of his wonderful children’s books called “Mary Elizabeth the Spotless Cow” (you can buy it on Amazon) and “Ernie The Dysfunctional Frog”. He did not co-create or star in a TV series based on his life called “The Sal Barbera Show” (but he did help write the YouTube show for Sweetles TV and some of the comedy for @nunsonamission Comedy). He has not appeared in numerous TV shows and films in comedic or dramatic roles.
But he’s on the way!

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