Stupidology means “the science and study of stupidity”, the etymology or origin of this word comes out:
– from Latin stupidus (struck senseless, amazed), from stupeō (be amazed or confounded, be struck senseless); and
– from
λογία (logía, -logs, registry, branch of study, to speak).


[ stoo-pid, styoo‐ ]
adjective,stu·pid·er, stu·pid·est.
  1. lacking ordinary quickness and keenness of mind; slow-witted.

  2. characterized by or proceeding from mental dullness; foolish; senseless.

  1. tediously boring, especially due to lack of meaning or sense; inane; pointless.

  2. annoying or irritating; troublesome.

  3. in a state of stupor; stupefied.


  1. Informal. a stupid person.


[ stoo-pid-i-tee, styoo- ]
noun,plural stu·pid·i·ties for 2.
  1. the state, quality, or fact of being stupid.

  2. a stupid act, notion, speech, etc.

antonyms for stupidity

intelligence, sense, acumen, canniness, judgment, shrewdness, wisdom

Humankind is Stupid

You wake up in the morning to just jump start right into your regular hamster-wheels, you don’t notice any more you function like an automat in disconnection about what happens around you. What seems to give life to people’s hearts, is to see each other at the moment is their turn to fall, there you will witness all kinds of reactions that reveal the small character that rules our lives inside. So the truth, generally speaking, is that humans have a high propensity to stupidity, verified by observing the terrible management of the planet’s resources, the endless global wars and the economical inequality where two million people (1% of the world’s population) are in control of the entire financial system which manages 90% of the global wealth, while on the other side, 60% of world’s population live with a salary of USD$2 per day and 40% lives in poverty with problems to even access drinking water and sewage; pretty bad for a “smart” specie.

The study of Stupidity is of outmost importance

Now that we can agree that humans spend more time on the side of stupidity than on the side of intelligence, formation, development or even union, we conclude that the study and proper registration of human stupidity is a matter of relevance to master its consequences and responsibilities, to accept it, to respect it and to make peace with it as an evident part of our lives that happens to be one of the most abundant schooling we will ever receive.

Gratitude to our magical human essence because the natural way is the path to take.

Human stupidity has expanded dramatically

The more our capacity increases, the bigger the stupid acts we will commit. Stupidity cannot nor it will be stopped ever, so we have to accept it and respect it, to make peace with it. So this is our way to create a testimony that will help us to remember and learn for the future.

With so many platforms and media everywhere on the web, when it comes to produce forms of art and expression all of it is turning overwhelming, so we chose a more simple and classic way to transmit our message: A simple image. So we give you the tools and the means so you produce a powerful instant piece of art that you can share to the world over the internet with the goal of understanding and dealing with stupidity better.

When you contribute to our platform, please keep this community amusing, nice and friendly, take nothing personal and try NOT to be mean, harsh or too direct, so your work won’t be perceived as negative, our goal is to make the world better NOT worse.

Never share illegal material, nudity or gore, none of that will be tolerated because there are better ways to boggle people’s minds and to change this world to positive.




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We are part of the NeverHateOnlyLove movement; our goal is to build a better world, more positive and humane with acceptance and respect as the foundation of our philosophies.

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